Dansk large mixed valentines bouquet


The Dansk Large Mixed Valentine’s Bouquet features deep red roses, lisianthus, golden broom twigs, berries, and winter foliage, making it the perfect romantic gesture for Valentine’s Day or anniversaries. Hand-tied for a luxurious, elegant touch.


Surprise your loved one with our Dansk Large Mixed Valentines Bouquet – a luxurious and romantic floral arrangement, perfect for Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, or any heartfelt gesture of love.

This stunning bouquet features 5 deep red roses – the ultimate symbol of love – beautifully complemented by elegant lisianthus, golden broom twigs, decorative berries, and seasonal winter foliage.

Why Choose the Dansk Large Mixed Valentines Bouquet?
✔ Perfect for romantic occasions
✔ Fresh, hand-tied flowers with a luxurious feel
✔ A unique mix of colours and textures for an elegant touch

Order now from Dansk Flowers in London and let flowers speak the language of love! We offer fast delivery so you can surprise your special someone with an unforgettable gift.

Flower Care

You can make your flowers last by following a few simple steps.

Keep them away from heat and direct sunlight while transporting them.

Fill a clean vase with lots of room temperature water and add half of the sachet of flower food attached to the bouquet to the water.
Take your flowers out of the aqua pack over a sink and remove the rest of the wrapping (If your flowers are not aqua packed please recut them at a sharp angle- and place them in the vase.)

After 2-3 days repeat - wash the vase , fill it with fresh water and add the rest of the flower food. Do not place the flowers in direct sunlight or next to a heat source - radiators, televisions etc. Enjoy.


We will do our best to deliver on the date requested, certain post code might not be covered at the weekend.

The flowers will be delivered wrapped with water and if possible we will try and leave the flowers somewhere safe if no one is at home and put a card through the door to let the recipient where they are.

We might call the recipient to make sure that someone is at home to receive the flowers - we do this without ruining the surprise.

If you would like something delivered outside the postcodes listed please contact one of the shops for a quote for delivery

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